Human resource management is key to the ability of the organization to implement and drive itsidentified strategy. The process of managing the human resource pool begins by ensuring that onlythose people with an alignment with the organization’s strategic thrust are recruited to work in it.ReStraL supports this process by using its understanding of the fundamental dynamics of strategy todesign tools that ensure that a recruitment process is truly targeted at sourcing people with therequired “fit”.
The flip side of the recruitment services is the outplacement service. This is aimed at ensuring that“good” people, who for valid reasons leave their current employers, can be matched with jobopportunities that best suit their profile and competencies
Our Human Resource Consulting services portfolio is aimed at providing HR related process-enhancing solutions. This involves providing solutions such as –

— Culture audits, as well as staff satisfaction surveys
— Staff audits
— Instituting or redesigning appraisal processes, as well as attendant tools
— Individual performance management processes such as target setting; job design and definitionsetc.
— Development and documentation of Human resource manuals customized to drive the desiredculture and behaviors

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