As the name suggests we support organizations by building skills and competencies based on identified competency gaps in people or to prepare people within organizations for higher responsibilities.
In this regard, we draw on our partnership with Franklin Covey to provide various training products and services developed by either Franklin Covey or by ourselves, to improve the effectiveness of individuals within the organization. ReStraL ‘s training programmes are especially geared to providingthe basic competencies that are needed to thrive in the workplace, complementing Franklin Coveyprogrammes at the same time.
We also facilitate retreat sessions and/or provide capacity improvement tools to address amongstothers reinforcement of organizational values, team building, relationship building etc. geared atensuring that the desired capacities to achieve the organization’s direction are entrenched in the people within the organizations that we serve. Such sessions may be employed at the point of recruitment of such persons or at regular intervals as required to reinforce expectations of such persons.
Our training programmes embrace a wide range of Management Development programmes fromPersonal Leadership to Organizational and Strategic Leadership. Our Management courses also coverService Delivery, Communication, Interpersonal Skills and People Management programmes that canbe grouped as – Personal Leadership and Effectiveness, Team Building, Customer Service andMarketing, Organizational Leadership.
We use a methodology to drive all our training programmes that consist of pre delivery, delivery andpost-delivery activities. Pre delivery activities ensure that we are adequately prepared to have aneffective delivery session whilst post-delivery typically includes post-delivery meetings with clientsand the implementation of training reinforcements such as renewal sessions, training impact assessment etc.
A list of the training programmes is listed below:
— Performance Measurement and Management Systems
— Change Management
— Direct Management Services